Supermarket Religion
Many people call them mega churches; but they are more like supermarket churches. It is not merely the large size of the church; but there is as much variety of teaching and activities from which to choose in most of these huge churches, as there are products in the supermarket. In the supermarket one can choose from dozens of different breads, just to consider one example of the huge number of choices in the modern superstore. In recent months, we have received in the mail several pieces of literature from churches that are rebuilding and relocating, or are in the process of getting organized to begin their new existence on the religious scene. The literature will offer a number of choices for one to check pertaining to some particular activity that the person would desire or prefer in a church. These choices cover a wide range of activities such as day care centers for children, schools, athletic venues of all kinds and for all ages, family centers, and other social offerings for adults and/or children. The list goes on and on and the questionnaire even has a place to write in an activity that is not listed in the brochure. That is why this comes across as a supermarket church.
Many of these mega churches have different Bible study groups that cater to the various religious backgrounds of the members of that church. The Baptist members have their own study group. The Pentecostals have yet another; and the Catholics will have theirs. And so on it goes! All of this is under one roof, where the membership will, sometimes, run into the thousands. Truly this is a supermarket of religious variety for each and every taste and whim. The sermons are mostly “feel good,” motivational, and entertaining (and brief) homilies that are enthusiastically delivered by a very polished and skilled speaker. The entertainment (musical presentation, theatrical productions, etc.) is usually very powerful and geared to impress and awe the people. There is also a rush of ego and pride in being a part of such a large, powerful, and dynamic church. Furthermore, as long as one attends and gives their “pledge” there are no inconvenient demands or challenges to face as one can merge into the crowd from week to week. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!
The tragedy is that the mega church, with its colorful concoction of Biblical perversion and clever compromise of God’s truth, is as far from the church as revealed in the New Testament as East is from West! Yet, multitudes find the mega churches alluring and attractive to them. This is seen from the thousands that eagerly flock to these churches each week.
When one takes the time to carefully and prayerfully consult the sacred pages of the Word of God, the truth can be learned that worship is God-centered and not man-centered (Lev. 10:3; Pss. 77:13; 100:1-5; Hab. 2:20; John 4:23-24; Rev. 5:9-14). We are not to enter into a worship in order to please ourselves, but in order to please God. We are not to assemble for worship in order to be entertained, but to glorify the King of heaven. Worship is to be directed to God. In directing the worship to God, the spiritually minded will be edified and built up spiritually.
We are to assemble in order to please the Lord and not to please ourselves. But it will make the spiritually minded happy when they know that they are pleasing the Father. The only place that we can learn how to (and what will) please the Lord is in the Bible, the Word of God (2 Tim. 3:16-17).
At the Taylorsville Road church, our desire is to please the God of heaven and earth in all that we do in our worship and in our work. Our aim is to bring glory to the Lord, and to edify one another in our assemblies. We seek to humbly and lovingly follow the teaching of the Lord as it is revealed in the Bible.
The question is, “What are you looking for when it comes to religion?” Are you “shopping around” for what pleases you, or are you looking for what pleases God? Are you caught up in the “supermarket religion” craze? To be sure, the devil has lots of religious supermarkets out there; but the Lord has only one church that is His body and pleases Him (Eph. 1:22-23; 2:16; 3:21; 4:4). Sadly, many will bewail their wrong choice, with “no return,” throughout all of eternity (Heb. 9:27). You had best choose wisely!