

Be Not Bewitched

Phealon Suell preaches his first sermon ever! The lesson comes from the book of Galatians and examines how Satan can bewitch us if we aren't prepared by being exceedingly careful to abide in the gospel of Christ. 

Here's his personal description of the lesson: "While the truth is more precious than rubies or any kind of precious stone, we may at times lose sight of its value. Truth seems to become less valuable when it isn't tailored to our desires. On the other hand, lies seem more valuable because of their nature which is tailored to our desires. However, lies have no worth; its deceptive qualities only give birth to sin and eventually death. This is what caused the Galatians to begin falling away from grace. They had turned from the gospel of Christ and its truth and turned unto a false gospel attempting to fulfill their own desires and not God's."

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